When you are deciding on the type of badges you want there is plenty of choice. You can have as many badge types as you wish such as delegate, visitor, exhibitor, speaker, VIP and staff. In fact, any badge type you need. You can also use colour flashes or text to differentiate between badge types.
The software that you will use online and onsite has been written by us in house, by our own developers using vast years of experience within the badging and registration industry.
It copes with long names as well as foreign and accented characters and also offers the ability to print colour in one pass onsite, taking away the need to pre-order a set quantity of badge stock.
Badges can carry a variety of information along with the attendee's name. For example,
If you're not sure what can include on the type of badge you've chosen, get in touch and we'll advise you.
There are four types of badge:
Our plastic credit card style badges can be printed in full colour, single or double sided and personalised. You can choose landscape or portrait depending on your branding.
We can arrange for these badges to be recycled after use. Include returned badges with the on-site kit and we'll pass them to a certified recycling centre where they're used to make trays and paint pots.
Holes or slots can be added to the badge for easy attachment.
These badges are also ideal for luggage tags, we can supply luggage straps if required.
Butterfly badges, otherwise known as 'peel and stick badges', do not require a plastic wallet and are therefore less hassle at the registration area.
Fanfold Badges are ideal for all types of events when you don't want to use a plastic wallet. Printed in full colour in one pass and then folded, these fanfold badges work across all our onsite badging solutions including PrintPods.
The onsite software can be used for badge production, new registrations, amendments to pre-registered information and issuing of replacement badges, verifying attendance and certificate printing.
Our software is built and designed with the user in mind making it quick and easy to use as well as learn. Many of our customers are impressed with the short amount of time it takes to understand and use the software.
We have provided a number of videos to show the speed of EventReference badge printing and convenience of badge scanning.
A6 badges are provided ready creased for easy and accurate folding. The larger size allows for the inclusion of more information and the fact that they are folded after printing makes the production process faster. The A6 printing process is shown here:
A7 badges are also ready creased and offer all the advantages of the A6 paper badges but with slightly less printing area. The A7 printing process is shown here:
You may like the traditional plastic badges for their professionalism and durability. The single sided plastic printing process is shown here:
The double-sided plastic printing process is shown here:
To help you choose the right badge type for your event we can send you a free badge sample pack