EventReference Project Managed

We know that running an event creates a never-ending to do list! When you choose the EventReference Project Managed Service, you get the best of both worlds. We combine the expertise of our highly trained and highly skilled project managers with the power and functionality of EventReference to deliver an enhanced online event registration experience.

Key features within EventReference can easily be managed by yourself including setting up the registration site, landing pages, e-blasts, payment processing with prices and products, and discount voucher codes. However, if you're pushed for time or just don't fancy doing it, our project managers can do it for you.

If you need more, then this is when our project managed service comes into its own. Not only will your project manager build your registration site for you but with them on board, you can implement premium features and advanced functions.

We have provided here some popular features we offer through our Project Managed Service. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, or you have questions about the features and functions shown, call the project management team on +44 (0)1827 61666 or drop us an email below.


Custom Look & Feel

When you create your event, EventReference automatically creates a default web page for you with your venue location. You can manage this default web page yourself or we can do it for you. If you want your event registration pages to mirror your event website, supply the assets, and we will do the rest to make your attendee journey seamless.


Landing page

Landing pages can be used to supply event information along with registration links for different attendee types. For example, single day delegate, multiple day delegate, visitor, VIP and Speaker. When selected, the attendee will be taken to the corresponding registration page. This saves your attendees having to search for the right links, making their registration experience quicker and easier. You can manage landing pages yourself, or we can do it for you.


Smart Invitation

EventReference makes it very easy to import people into the system and send them an invitation email complete with a personalised "Smart Link". EventReference Smart Links allow the recipient of the email to arrive at a partially completed registration form which will show details the system already holds about them. Once they fill in the rest of the registration form and click to register, the Smart Link will stop working so they cannot alter their details after they have registered.

Please remember that any email marketing you carry out using this feature must comply with the relevant data protection legislation.


Address Lookup

Simplify your visitor's registration journey with the Address Lookup feature. The automated search lists the full address, so visitors only need to enter the postcode or first line of their address for quick, easy, and importantly, accurate address entry.

  • Saves time completing the online reg form
  • Reduces data entry errors and spelling mistakes
  • Improves the user experience
  • Provides clean data for the organiser


address lookup

Diary system

Book one to one appointments between your visitors and your exhibitors using the diary system and diary messaging service.


Best match service

The best match service is like matchmaking for events! Match buyers with exhibitors or suppliers depending on their preferences. Use this function for small and large events.


Approval process

For some events it's necessary to use an approval process. With EventReference, registrations can be automatically approved, declined or given the status of awaiting approval when they register.


Take payments using your merchant account

Whether you are offering free or paid entry, or a combination, it's all powered by EventReference online event management software. You are in complete control of how you decide to manage entry to your event. This includes if you want to charge an entry fee, offer free entry, offer discounts, or only charge for some elements of your event. You can manage payment processing yourself, or we can do it for you.


Exhibitor Portal

If your event has exhibitors, you can add each stand manager to the system. Each will receive an email and will be able to log in. This enables them to manage staff badges, invite customers, and hire scanners. You can also set capacities to determine how many exhibitor badges are allowed plus add links to external web pages, e.g. build up and breakdown procedure. This gives each exhibitor a little more control over their stand management.


Exhibitor manual

The exhibitor manual helps you keep your exhibitors on check and enables legal compliance and the delivery of instructions for a smooth run-up to event doors opening.


Group Co-ordinator Portal

Some events involve companies inviting groups of attendees, for example, a distributor inviting their customers. If your event involves groups such as this, you can add each group co-ordinator to the system. Each will receive their own login details and their own registration URL. They can send the link to their invitees and track which accept the invitation. The enables group co-ordinators easier management of their groups.


Guest Invitations and Registering Colleagues

By adding the 'guest invitation process to your online registration' your attendees can quickly and easily invite others to your event. By providing a name and email address of their guest the system will send an invitation email which will contain a link for the guest to register for the event.

Similarly, your attendees can register their colleagues at the same time as themselves. By adding a 'register a colleague' link or button to the bottom of the confirmation page, your attendee can benefit from partial pre-populated fields based on the information they have provided themselves, providing a quick and efficient way for multiple registrations.


Conditional Questions

Tailor your registration forms to collect relevant information. You might want the text of a question to vary depending on the answer to an earlier question. For example, you might ask where an attendee heard about your event. You might decide to ask them to choose either advertisement, email, or word of mouth. If they check advertisement, you might want to offer them a list of publications where they may have seen your advertisement.

Structures like this can be set up in EventReference very easily making your data more informative and easier to report on.



Our powerful workflow engine allows you to create complex rules and sets of actions that can make decisions and perform actions on certain records within the system.

The workflow engine means you can automate the process of looking inside an attendee's record and change things about their record according to whatever rules you want.

For example, if you ask an attendee whether they are a Buyer or Supplier in your industry then you could change their attendee type according to the answer they give.

We even have a batch processing mode so you can perform set actions against a whole set of records at once.


Event App

The EventReference Event Mobile App is the perfect tool to engage your attendees at your next conference, exhibition, trade show or meeting. It's fast, powerful, easy to use and packed with feature-rich tools for seamless delivery of your event content.



Want to have seamless data transmission? Then ask us about our APIs.

We offer the ability for you to set-up an API (Application Programming Interface) which involves giving you a set of credentials to plug into your CRM/registration system. This will allow data to flow seamlessly from your system into our registration system.

This means you don’t need to export your data and send it to us, and post event we can provide a final update for you to add back into your system, removing the need for manual updating.


For more detailed information about EventReference and why you should be using it, visit


Don't forget you can use EventReference as self-service and build your own online registration site. Or you can choose to do some yourself and have our managed service take up the more complex elements. The choice is always yours and we're here to help with as much or as little as you need.


Got a question about EventReference Project Managed or anything else to do with your online registration? Don't by shy. We're here to help. Call the team +44 (0) 1827 61666 or send us a message.